„You gotta be flexible.“
Kosemine. Ein Name, dessen Wohlklang den Barden der Postmoderne so viel Mut einflößen sollte, dass Hymnen über die Frau mit dem malerischen Namen vertont werden. Kosemine, deren Spitzname Cosy lautet, macht uns heute ein bisschen mit ihrem sexy Tennislook wuschig. Roooargh.
Where are you from, Cosy?
„Originally from Austria, close to Vienna.“
Why did you come to Melt?
„Just to have a little tennis match, walk around and meet new people. I probably do some tennis aerobic later with my friends from Murales Collective (who painted the colourful wall). They are finishing their work today and we have some music and want to cheer people up.“
Do you and your team mates all wear different colors? Like the power rangers?
„No no, this is just my regular sports outfit.“
I can tell.
„You gotta be flexible you know, with all that stretching and everything.“
How will you do the warm up?
„Start with the hips and go very far.“ Kosemine stemmt ihre Hände in die Hüften und dehnt sich. Langsam und betont lässt sie ihre Hüfte in alle Richtungen kreisen.
What kind of music will you play?
„That depends on the DJ but I hope some fast eighties and nineties music. That’s what I would love to hear.“
So what are your favourite songs?
Oh, I have to think. I love the Rocky Balboa thing, it’s good for dancing.
What are your plans afterwards?
„Just walking around and later there will be a nice drag show with some people I met in the bus. They perform right before Die Antwoord which I am really looking forward to seeing.“
Which artists did you like the most so far?
„Yesterday I saw Bonobo and I really liked it.“
When you’re not at the Melt Festival, do you still live in Austria?
„I’ve travelled a lot because of the Tennis Circus, all around the world. Right now I’m mainly based in Berlin. So many open and friendly people there in this community. I like that. I have my tennis aerobic studio in a club called Birgit & Bier. Every Friday we do tennis aerobic.“
What are you exactly doing when you perform tennis aerobic?
„A lot of people ask that question. It is what it is. So we do tennis moves, like this. (Macht einen Tennismove und schwingt den Schläger.) That’s the backhand. And then you do it to the beat and you include a little volleying and skipping.“ (Hüpft mit dem Schläger in der Hand in aerobesken Moves über den Platz und schlägt nach einem imaginären Tennisball.)
And what are you looking for, a boy or a girl?
„The thing is, I’m not really looking. I’m happy as I am and as people say you only find things when you’re not searching. Things will happen anyway. I’m generally more attracted towards women. I’ve tried with guys. I mean at the end when you close your eyes and people are touching and you feel a penis it doesn’t matter. There are certain sexual things I prefer to do with women. But I’m open to meet everyone.“
What kind of people do you like having around you?
„I like fun people who want to explore life in all certain ways. At the end it all comes down to your personality. I’m a high energy person and when somebody is with me I really try to include everyone into team Kosemine. Sometimes people might get scared because it’s so much energy.“
So what do you do with all your energy?
(Lacht.) „People have to find out later. I’ve got big tools and I do know how to use them.“
Diese Kosemine, das ist schon ne besondere Type. Genauer gesagt ist sie das Alter Ego von Bastian, 33, der als freier Texter und Komiker in Berlin lebt und fließend Deutsch spricht. Ach, nen Doktor hat er auch! Worin? Das müsst ihr schon selber herausfinden. [fb_button]Kontakt
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